PSHE (including RSE)
We teach PSHE at Palace Fields Primary School using the Jigsaw scheme of work, which places a strong emphasis on holding children at the heart of the curriculum. As a school, each year group progresses through each of the six half-termly units of work (puzzles), each of which contain six lessons (pieces). Furthermore, through creative teaching approaches, which nurture children’s development as mindful and versatile human beings, Jigsaw PSHE brings together: PSHE education, Relationships and Health education, emotional literacy, mindfulness, social skills and spiritual development, whilst promoting the British Values and fostering learning around necessary safeguarding issues. Every Piece has two Learning Intentions, one specific to Relationships and Health Education (PSHE) and the other designed to develop emotional literacy and social skills. By implementing a scheme of work that covers a wide range of social and emotional aspects of learning, it is intended that all of our children will develop their self-esteem and an understanding of their identity, whilst learning to value how they fit into, and contribute to the world in which they live. Through the purposeful, progressive and sequential learning experiences that Jigsaw offers, each of our children will be provided with an abundance of opportunities to apply their acquisitions, not only in PSHE but across the curriculum and (when necessary) to their own lives with increasing confidence over time. Following school closure, PSHE has been a key focus of our curriculum and we have been using Jigsaw with and in addition to Thrive in order to support children in their return to school.
Each of the puzzles and their overarching themes can be seen below:
Puzzle 1. Being Me in My World
Includes understanding my place in the class, school and global community as well as devising Learning Charters.
Puzzle 2. Celebrating Difference
Includes anti-bullying (cyber and homophobic bullying included) and diversity work.
Puzzle 3. Dreams and Goals
Includes goal-setting, aspirations for yourself and the world and working together.
Puzzle 4. Healthy Me
Includes drugs and alcohol education, self-esteem and confidence as well as healthy lifestyle choices.
Puzzle 5. Relationships
Includes understanding friendship, family and other relationships, conflict resolution and communication skills.
Puzzle 6. Changing Me
This puzzle includes sex and relationships education in the context of coping positively with change. (includes age-appropriate sex education).